“Do you floss regularly?” Every time we visit our dentist, we are frequently asked this question. What is the importance of this seemingly simple process of oral hygiene? Yes, it is very. Despite its seemingly futile and unnecessary nature, flossing is essential to maintaining good oral health, as it removes plaque left behind after brushing your teeth, which, if not removed in time, becomes tartar or calculus. Gum disease is primarily caused by plaque.
How does flossing work? If you don’t floss, you aren’t cleaning one-third of your tooth surface. Through threads, it removes food particles and plaque from between the teeth that cannot be reached by a toothbrush.
If you wish to maintain your teeth’s health for as long as possible, consider having your Eugene dentist help you improve your flossing techniques.
The benefits of flossing
You can maintain fresh breath by flossing after every meal to remove all the food that gets stuck in your mouth.
You can keep floss anywhere, such as in your pocket or wallet, unlike toothbrushes.
The benefits of flossing can be seen in a reduction of dental expenses of 40% when compared to those without flossing.
By flossing, you can reduce your risk of dementia, strokes, heart disease, and diabetes.
By flossing, you can stimulate your gums and boost circulation, resulting in healthy gums and teeth.
The floss can go between the teeth, below the gumline, and anywhere your toothbrush cannot.
What is the recommended frequency of flossing?
It is common for people to floss 2-3 times a day, but they do so quickly, thus missing out on a lot of bacteria and debris. When flossing, you should do it slowly and once a day to ensure that your entire mouth is clean.
An Effective Flossing Technique
It is best to start with about 18 inches of floss.
Leaving about an inch or two of floss on your middle finger, wrap it around it.
Using the same finger on the other hand, wind the remaining floss around it.
Slide the floss between your teeth while holding it firmly between your thumbs.
The floss should never be snapped into the gums.
You must cut the floss below the gumline, so it covers the area beneath the gums where the toothbrush can’t reach.
Floss between lower teeth contacts with your index fingers.
With a clean section of floss, floss each tooth thoroughly.
Once you have flossed, throw the floss away.
Flossing while wearing braces
The importance of flossing increases when you have braces, as food and bacteria can get lodged between the arch wires and cause permanent damage to your teeth. It is important to use waxed floss products since unwaxed products can get stuck in your braces. Be careful not to damage your braces when flossing.
Flossing Do’s and Don’ts
Floss inside your mouth with one inch of space.
Make sure you use dental association-approved products.
If you have closely spaced teeth, use waxed floss.
Floss for at least one minute.
Make sure you floss every day.
One floss can be used more than once. This is a one-time use item.
If you need help flossing, don’t hesitate to ask. Learn proper technique from your dentist, as it is certainly tricky.
Don’t floss too aggressively.
When flossing, take your time so that you can get the best results.
Flossing should be replaced with brushing. Healthy teeth require both.
Your ideal smile is just a few steps away.
Get in touch with us if you’re looking for the best dental office in Eugene, OR. Quest Dental offers professional cleanings and dental advice as part of its dental services.